Everyday Pursuits

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Platform Love- Elizabeth & James

If you follow me on twitter then you know the Elizabeth & James 'Mason' that I had been lusting over, finally arrived at my door step last night! I felt like a little girl on Christmas when I opened them up:

Pink heaven! Initially I wanted the turquoise color, but when it was sold out in my size I decided on pink. I'm quite happy with pink because it really POPS. Also, it's very girly just like me. 

Can you say PLATFORM?! I think these are the highest shoes I own now. I'm wearing them today and they are actually very comfortable + I get to see the world from a whole new height. It's crazy up here!
  Definitely very happy with my purchase!

The only colors left are yellow and pink:

Elizabeth and James at ShopStyle
Elizabeth & James 'Mason' for $350 @ Piperlime

Elizabeth and James at ShopStyle
Elizabeth & James 'Mason' for $354 @ Zappos Couture

Also, these are reason #3 why I'm not buying a new pair of shoes until May!
Reason #1
Reason #2

Happy Thursday!