Everyday Pursuits

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Hello from NYC! Wanted to share a few new goodies, some of which you've already seen and some that are currently running around NYFW with me... 

  { zara flats red & black // j.crew heels}

Yup, I've been pursuing pointed toe shoes like nobodies business. In case you missed it, here are 5 pointed toe flats under $150!

 { smashbox camera ready BB cream // avon anew clinical advanced retexturizing peel}

Don't you love when your fave makeup is discontinued? The worst! Smashbox traded in their tinted moisturizer (my fave) for new BB & CC creams. I ended up grabbing the BB cream and am currently test driving it in NY - will definitely let you know my thoughts! After reading about the anti-aging and skin clearing benefits of Avon's retexturizing peel, I decided to give it a try. Obsessed is an understatement; now it's part of my daily essentials.

{ sole society bag c/o // sole society bag}

I had been eyeing ' Lisette' for awhile and when Sole Society sent it over to take on my fashion week adventures, I couldn't have been more excited. Loving the structure and poppy color! ' Carla' has been my go-to for weeks because she fits EVERYTHING including my MacBook Air. A practical yet chic bag is a must! 

Make sure to follow #pursuitgoestoNY on Twitter & Instagram!