Everyday Pursuits

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Relationships: Balancing Work + Personal Life

To kick off the new year I want to share some insight on the constant struggle of balance. I’m sure this is an on-going roller coaster for everyone, not just me, right?! Especially when it comes to personal relationships. It seems like it should be a pretty easy task to accomplish: work during the day and shut off at night. Well, not when your career involves being your own boss and having to be on every social media platform that exists. Living in a saturated city like Los Angeles with a fast-paced lifestyle where no one ever stops or shuts off doesn’t help either.

Trust me, being a workaholic isn’t a bad thing, it means you love what you do! However, you don’t want to let your relationships suffer since they’re the people that keep you going everyday! So, how can we tackle this? How do you keep up with your career, spend time growing your relationships, and just relax? 

couples, balancing relationships, getaways

1. Getaway – Whether you book a hotel in your hometown or travel somewhere new, being with your loved one or girlfriends in a different environment allows you to clear your mind and have some fun! Andy and I recently did a staycation about 20 minutes from our apartment and it was just what the doctor ordered; simplicity, games, drinks and each other. 

2. Taking Digital Breaks – I can’t stress this enough, and I constantly need to remind myself how important this is since I am always on Instagram, Snapchat, etc. Every night set a time of at least an hour with your phone turned off or in another room so you won’t be tempted to grab it subconsciously (we all do it). Trust me, this little bit of time “away” will allow you to be present in whatever you’re doing and who you’re speaking to. Let’s be honest, all our boyfriends hate when they're trying to talk to us and half way through we ask if they like this filter on our photo. 
On top of that, don't forget to communicate. Case in point: I used to do all my photo editing and posting in the car with Andy while he drove to our destination. In my mind I was getting everything done and out of the way so we could enjoy each other and the experience at said destination. In his mind, working in the car was taking away from the overall experience of chatting, listening to music, and spending time together. Once we finally communicated this (believe me, it took awhile) it made a world of difference! 

3. Learn to say “NO” – It’s impossible to do everything. When you're being overworked or trying to do too much, you end up making careless mistakes, being exhausted and not enjoying the down time you do have with friends and family. Last fall Andy told me he felt like we were really vibing recently ( I'm sorry, I wasn't aware we weren't vibing!) because I let go of a client that was taking up too much of my time and mental capacity. Once he said it, it hit me that I WAS always stressed and spaced out, never fully in the moment even when we were spending time together.

Most importantly, ask yourself each day are you happy and are you being honest with yourself and your relationships? Making time for the important ones is what makes life exciting! The Instagram filter can wait :)

how to balance work and personal life, couples, balancing relationships, getaways
Btw, I'm super excited to bring some more meaningful content to you guys this year about relationships, freelancing, and just overall adulting. Happy New Year!