White Denim

Can we all agree that the whole no white after Labor Day thing is a bit silly? I'll wear white whenever I want to wear white, thank you! If you live in LA then you know we're really just getting into summer (weather wise) but, of course, we're all in fall outfit mode. Don't fret, black and white is a great way to transition...
{bp top - love this one // joes jeans // sole society bag // zara flats // bauble bar twitter necklace // sole society arrow bangle, bp bow bracelet - similar from kate spade}

At this point I'll take any reason to wear these red flats (psstt... bought them in black the other day).  Have a great long weekend! Headed to New York on Monday for a mini vacay and NYFW  - make sure to follow #pursuitgoestoNY on Twitter & Instagram.