3 Reasons WHY I’m Here for Ritual’s Prenatal Vitamins


Ritual Prenatal Vitamins are one of those “you don’t know what you’re missing out on until you try it” products… hear me out: earlier this year I started taking a different prenatal to help start prepping my body for our future little (peep my post BC diary here). I think I went on Amazon and searched for the one with the best reviews and called it a day. Note: this one came in “mini-tablets” so it was 3 tablets per day to equal a full prenatal dosage. Happy not have to take a horse pill and also not actually pregnant, I went with it. To say I was consistent would be an understatement especially when I traveled.

Review of Ritual Prenatal Vitamins

Review of Ritual Prenatal Vitamins

Why I love Ritual Prenatal Vitamins

Why I love Ritual Prenatal Vitamins


Flash forward to finding out we’re preggers (yay!) and I realized my prenatal didn’t have DHA/OMEGA-3s; a non-negotiable for my OB since it’s supposed to help support fetal brain development. Instead of switching prenatals I just picked up a DHA supplement.. add TWO more pills to my daily dose. I mean, I was just setting myself up for failure. After attempting to take my 5 pills a day, breaking them up throughout the day because all at once made my tummy hurt, I decided this was not going to work for the next 8 months. A lot of my friends had great things to say about Ritual Prenatal Vitamins and I decided to try ‘em out. Literally, why did I not do this MONTHS AGO?

  1. Two capsules, once daily = 12 key nutrients to help support my nutrient needs during pregnancy including DHA and Methylated FOLATE + B12 which are BIG ones on the OB list.

  2. No nausea design + lemon tab freshness. I’ve been super lucky not to have any morning sickness or nausea but the smell of my old prenatals started to be a little gnarly once I got pregnant. As I mentioned above I couldn’t take them all at once or my tummy got upset. With Ritual I can take them anytime of day, no problem.

  3. Subscription. No more “oh shoot, I ran out ” moments. They’ll just arrive on your doorstep! Btw, EDPfam gets 10% off their first three months with code PURSUITS10

They are kind of like the valet of prenatal vitamins… and you can so quote me on that haha! For all my EDP Mamas out there, I just started a Facebook group so we can chat all things littles. So excited to be on this journey with you! xx - Ash

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