Not Your Basic Father's Day Gifts


This year will be Andy’s first Father’s Day and it’s coming right on the heels of our daughter’s birth (currently 40 weeks + 4 days pregnant) - all the exciting events. If you’re a mama or mama-to-be then you’ve probably been getting hit with ads for Father’s Day goodies on every corner of the internet. HOW. DO. THEY. KNOW?! Anywho - since this is our first Father’s day I don’t really know the protocol but decided to get something really fun/useful from me and something cutesy from the baby.

I’ve put together some ideas for a young dad (aka your partner not YOUR dad) that don’t feel corny and hopefully will get worn/used. Some thought starters to help:

Hobbies: what are his hobbies and how can you push him to continue to explore those?

Hubs is a big golfer and since baby is coming very soon I know he’s not going to be able to golf as much as he’s used to. I just ordered him a pop-up golf net to put in the backyard so that he can practice his swing.

Favorites: any brands papa loves?

Andy is OBSESSED with Vuori everything… literally EVERYTHING so I always have that in my back pocket for gifts.


How cute are the sweatshirts and tees? I mean, I just love them so much! Deets:

If your guy plays guitar or used to play, I highly recommend the Taylor GS Mini. It’s smaller than a regular acoustic guitar but still packs a punch. Andy has always played but it wasn’t until I got this for him a few years back that he really started to get back into it and it’s brought him so much joy. To be honest, it’s really a gift for everyone!

While I was putting this list together I saw the GQ Box and thought it was a great way to intro your man to the latest and greatest in skincare and new brands. Andy uses the same Dove shampoo to wash his entire body (SMH) and I’m always trying to get him to up his skincare care game but I don’t have the time. At least with this the products are pre-selected and arrive at the door. It’s a start!

K, so a robe feels basic BUT I do think that if your man doesn’t have one this Parachute Waffle Robe is amazing. I bought this for Andy for his birthday last year and he LIVES in it. He was NEVER a robe guy before so that’s saying something.


Father’s Day Gift Ideas

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