East vs. West: White Denim

It's officially white denim season! Truth be told, it's always white denim season in LA.
{district sparkle // living after midnite // the right shoes // golden divine // pursuit of shoes // oomph.}

For Easter I paired my new Paige ankle length jeans with navy & red for a little nautical number. You know I love me some nautical. What always cracks me up is that "ankle" length really doesn't hit the ankle on most people. Pursuit tip: if you're under 5' 5"and want ankle-skimming pants, go for a cropped style. What I heart about these is the booty. Sadly (or thankfully) I didn't get a booty shot, but the pockets sit slightly higher than most, making the derriere look round and perky. #winning I'm also loving the details on this newly acquired zara top and the simplicity of the sole society bag.

This is the last of the East vs. West spring series - fingers crossed that we'll be back for more this summer!